Keys & Sword

An initiative of the Mother church of the archdiocese of philadelphia: The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul


The Keys and Sword initiative is an important effort of the Mother Church of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia: the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. IN PAST YEARS, THE BENEFICIARIES INCLUDED CRISTO REY PHILADELPHIA HIGH SCHOOL AND THE INDEPENDENCE MISSION SCHOOLS.



in the past, the Cathedral Parish acknowledged a member of our religious or civic community with the Keys and Sword Award, named after the symbols of Saints Peter and Paul, which recognized extraordinary commitment and selfless dedication in service to others. It acknowledged one whose actions reflected the Gospel values of faith, valor, selfless service, personal sacrifice and respect. The Award was designed by Robert F. McGovern. Honorees were nominated and selected by a process of consultation involving the parish priests, parishioners and members of the Archdiocesan community.

The Keys and Sword Award was first presented in 2008 to the Cathedral’s longest-tenured rector, Monsignor James J. Howard. In 2009, the Cathedral recognized Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey. In 2010, in recognition of the universal observance of the Year of the Priest, the Award was presented to the Priests of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Cardinal Justin Rigali, then Archbishop of Philadelphia, accepted the award on behalf of the Priests. 2011 marked the first time there were dual recipients of the Award, Dr. Rosalie Mirenda, President of Neumann University, and Mr. Robert Sims, dedicated leader within the Archdiocese for many years. The 2012 recipients were the Missionaries of Charity, a religious congregation founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta in 1950. The Missionaries of Charity have been active in the Philadelphia Archdiocese for many years with homes in Chester and Norristown. Mother Teresa was canonized a saint on September 4, 2016 in Rome.